Business rescue and turnaround advice

James Hunt is a City-trained solicitor (now non-practising) who has 39 years of advising owner managers. With two recessions under his belt, in both of which he struck out and started and grew his own law firm, his focus is now advisory work for business owners.

In March 2019 after a period of painful reflection James was forced to reevaluate his life and his own small legal business. This resulted in the closure of Everyman Legal in September of that year and the start of Everyman Advisory.

Until 23 March 2020 his practice specialised almost exclusively on the design and implementation of highly motivation share incentives and succession planning. That work continues but in the COVID19 world with which we must all now operate his practice now extends to corporate rescues, turnarounds and restructuring of owner-managed companies.

With hands on experience of all the challenges of running his own businesses as well as his legal training and a wealth of contacts and connections in Oxfordshire, James is extremely well placed to help owners make tough decisions.

Whilst the timing and speed of decision making need to accelerate, the process of the rescue or turnaround, is simply a fast form of succession planning. First you must be very clear on your personal and financial objectives. Then you must develop a workable plan that is grounded in a proper understanding of the key relationships in your business.

Whilst you will need a trusted adviser and confidant, business rescues and turnarounds depend on a professional team. You want a team with shared values who can move at speed when the situation demands it but under a lead adviser who knows when you need to make the time to think and plan.

The unfamiliar language of insolvency may seem frightening. Take a look at this Fact Sheet which explains the most important things you need to know from a legal perspective.

When companies are under financial stress relations with co-owners may fracture.  James can help you with negotiations to resolve the road blocks created by these relationship break downs. He can also introduce you to highly skilled business consultants, mediators and prospective non-executive Directors.

Oxfordshire has a vibrant community of skilled and experienced advisers. Through his works as chairman of the Oxfordshire branch of the Institute of Directors he is very well placed to help you make the connections you need.

Do feel free to call me on 07973 933467 or email me on Let’s set up a Zoom meeting for a confidential, no obligation, chat.

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