
Selling Your Business: Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to selling your business. Being prepared can make all the difference – you don’t want to leave yourself in a position which results in the sales process taking up so much of your time that there is a detrimental impact on your business. Being aware of […]

Preparing your business for sale? Here are our top 10 tips…

Many business owners think they will easily be able to sell their business to a third party when the time comes. In fact it can be daunting and a lot more challenging than might at first be imagined. Planning in advance is vital to make the process of selling your business a bit less scary. Here are […]

Succession Planning Seminar

    You will only sell your business once so you need to get it right. Whether you are considering handing your business on to family members, identifying a management team to take over, or a straight trade sale, a strategy to maximise the assets of your business on its sale requires patient, advance planning. Join […]

From Innovation to Changing the World

In this final Blog in our series on innovation we describe the final challenge for us with our succession planning tool: getting the product into the market.  Those who read my previous Blog in this series on the story of Watt and Boulton will know that it took them 20 years to get their new […]

EU State Aid Approval for EMI Options – Update

We recently reported that the UK Government had announced that it was in the process of obtaining refreshed approval from the UK’s EMI Scheme and discussed the uncertainty that this left us all in after the original approval expired on 6th April 2018. The European Commission has now announced on its website that approval under EU […]

EMI Schemes in disarray over EU State Aid Rules

As Brexit negotiations become ever more complex advisers to private companies looking to incentivise their employees with share options have been scratching their heads over a recent HMRC announcement. On 4 April 2018 HMRC announced that an EU dispensation from State Aid Rules given in July 2009 was to expire on 6 April 2018  (see […]

From Imagination to Innovation

The light bulb moment in Twickenham in 2011 was the realisation that planning for a sale to your management team, a sale that you as a vendor would fund, could be a very powerful approach to succession planning.  The vendor-funded management buyout is the point in time when the owner cedes control of the team.  […]

A purpose driven business

The previous Blog in our series on innovation I told my own painful lesson on the critical importance of culture and values.  Without a clearly understood set of values your business will be at risk in times of significant stress.  For business owners planning for your succession this is key to growth. As we toiled […]

Vendor-Funded Management Buy Out : A Success Story

You may have noticed we think the VF-MBO is a great way for owner-managers to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of their team whilst ensuring an exit in a tax-efficient way on terms acceptable both the owner and the team. This blog looks at a client who we helped to do just that. Background The founder […]

EMI becomes oh my….

So, as a nice Easter treat for us all, HMRC announced on 4th April that EMI schemes would lose their tax-advantaged status after 6th April 2018. Nothing (really, nothing!) like providing advanced notice on that one… Why is this? In order to maintain their tax-advantaged status EMI schemes require EU State Aid approval. The current […]